Below is a list of words and phrases you may have come across in OutNav and how they are defined and used within OutNav:
Cloning – Parent/Child Relationships - Organisational Outcome Maps can be 'cloned' to produce identical child maps which have all of the same features. These child maps can be adapted and added to, but any changes made at the parent level will be pushed down to the child map. This allows organisations to specify any outcomes, measures or data that they want projects to collect, whilst also allowing projects to define their own extra stepping stones, measures and data when they need to. The following article explains more about Cloning a Project.
Colour-Coding of Pathways - the traffic light colour coding system supports 'at a glance' analysis of how progress made for a given pathway in terms of progress towards outcomes and confidence in the quality and strength of supporting evidence.
Dashboard - your organisation's OutNav home page, which shows a list of projects for an organisation and the date each project was updated.
Division - When managing multiple child projects, divisions can help you to separate, categorise, group and organise them according to the needs and functions of your organisation.
Evidence Standards - these are the standards which your organisation has agreed on for data quality, and should be used for all analysis and progress updates. Read more about them here.
Outcome Map - the overall results chain or logic model for the area of work.
Pathways - these are specific sets of activities that are tied together to achieve the outcomes you seek. All analysis takes place at the pathway level.
Personal Outcome Map - provides first-person headings describing a service-users journey through a service or used to describe a personal outcomes approach:
What I do, Who with, How I feel etc
Programme Outcome Map - uses headings to describe an approach, service or programme:
What we do, Who with, How they feel etc
Formal (or Research Impact) Outcome Map - used when more formal language is needed to describe an approach service or programme:
Activities, Engagement, Reactions etc
Project Overview - the hub of your project, summarising project progress, listing recent activity and providing access your outcome map, pathways, sources, library, completed reports and background information.
Source - the places where you will get data evidence to support your analysis and assessment of progress (e.g. patient survey, client records, database of service users, staff focus group/meeting, project management documents).
Stepping Stones - are the individual items or 'tiles' sitting under each Step Heading in the outcome
Success Criteria - appropriate measures or indicators of success that can be applied to each Stepping Stone in your outcome map.
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